Skeleton Twins, The Take a Date

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Skeleton Twins, The

(2014) - 93 min - R

Two twins reconnect after 10 years when Milo, who lives in Los Angeles, tries to kill himself.
Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Luke Wilson
Comedy, Drama

Chick Rating

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Comedy Rating

Tear Rating

  • Explicit Sex
  • Great Music/Soundtrack

Chief Chick Comments

While this is a comedy, it is also a drama. The twins, Maggie and Milo are now in their 30's. Maggie is still in upstate New York where they grew up and Milo is in California trying to be an actor. Maggie's husband played by Luke Wilson announces when Maggie brings Milo back home for a while that he and Maggie are trying to "get pregnant". We soon find out that Maggie is taking birth control pills on the sly. Milo played by the versatile Bill Hader tries to reconnect with a former teacher with whom he had an underage homosexual affair. Both Maggie and Milo at times are suicidal and we discover that their father jumped from a bridge when they were 14 years old. The movie engaged me in its story even though I could never imagine myself in their situations. There are several funny sequences including a lip-syncing scene with the two siblings. It takes some thought, but the performances were quite good. Worth a look.

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