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Be the first to rateNoah
(2014) - 138 min - PG13
Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Douglas Booth, Logan LermanGenre
Adventure, Biography, Drama, HistoryChick Rating
Star Rating
Fashion Rating
Romance Rating
Comedy Rating
Tear Rating
- Just Too Long
- Violent
Chief Chick Comments
Some of the story's elements are mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis. Some are clearly invented or adapted from other Bible stories. Most offensive to me were The Watchers who are huge stone men who ultimately help Noah build the Ark. I am less offended by their invention than it seems they are present to placate teenage boys as monsters. Emma Watson plays Ila who is supposedly saved after her family is slaughtered, and is adopted by Noah and his family. She ultimately becomes Shem's wife and bears twins in the movie. Ham, the second born, is obsessed with having a wife on the Ark and in the Bible, he does. Not in the movie however. I think Jennifer Connelly gives the best performance. Russell Crowe is good but like the last part of the movie tends to be melodramatic. The colors and scenery and dreary in keeping with the tenor of the story. In theory Methuselah, Noah's grandfather, is still around helping out from a distance. The Bible says he lived almost 1000 years and the movie shows him dying in the flood. While I did not like the invention of the Watchers, I did like the idea that the smoke of a certain herb put all the animals to sleep during the flood not to awake until land was again available and the Ark was no longer needed. Surprisingly, the smoke did not effect the humans. Why Noah thinks all humans must die off even his own family, escapes me and any reading of Genesis. Ultimately, I do not care that things are invented, just that some of them are stupid and boring. The movie ultimately is too long. I looked at my watch many, many times.
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