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Florence Foster Jenkins
(2016) - 110 min - PG13
Based on the life of heiress Florence Foster Jenkins and her love of music, Jenkins performs at Carnegie Hall. Read the book . Buy or stream by clicking the link below...Or buy the book!
Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg, Rebecca Ferguson, David HaigGenre
Comedy, DramaChick Rating
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Comedy Rating
Tear Rating
- Eye Candy
Chief Chick Comments
So far this is my favorite movie of 2016. It is not a blockbuster, just a lovely funny and sweet movie based on the end of the life of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress who loves music, and decides to sing at Carnegie Hall. Her second husband, played by Hugh Grant is St Clair Bayfield, an English actor who married Florence 25 years before the concert which took palce in 1944. Streep who plays Jenkins is delightful and must wear some padding to add girth to her figure. Elaborate costumes are a funny treat as we see Jenkins support music, donate to music concerts and causes and who is surrounded by a vast array of friends who seem a bit tone deaf. St Clair Bayfield has sheltered Florence for 25 years from criticism and seems to truly love Florence, now in her 70's. Simon Helberg(The Big Bang Theory) plays Cosme McMoon, her accompanist and is also very, very funny. I laughed out loud and I think Streep was just perfect in this role. You must see it!
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Delightful movie. Definitely a date movie. As a guy, it was easy to identify with the husband (Hugh Grant's character). Really enjoyed the street scenes of New York in 1944 full of old cars. And the dance scene in Hugh's apartment was amazing. Meryl Streep was fabulous, very convincing, and very touching scenes in the intimate scenes with Hugh Grant, as he supports her, encourages her, and showers her with devotion. Very sweet.