Education, An Take a Date

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Education, An

(2008) - 95 min - PG13

Carey Mulligan plays Jenny who is studying to be accepted by Oxford in the 1960's. Everything her father does seems to be focused on this lofty goal until she meets David who is twice her age.
Carey Mulligan, Peter Sarsgaard, Alfred Molina, Olivia Williams, Emma Thompson, Rosamund Pike, Sally Fields, James Norton
Drama, Teen/Coming of Age

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  • Interesting Architecture

Chief Chick Comments

A touching yet often heartbreaking story of Jenny who studies hard but is bored and has interests outside of her normal realm. One day she meets David, and older man with a fancy sports car in London in the 1960's. Her normally protective and focused father, is won over with David and allows Jenny all sorts of adventures with this charming man who sails a bit too close to the wind. Gradually Jenny comes to believe that studying and being admitted to Oxford which had been her father's goal for her, has no meaning and that life with David and his friends offers fun and a different kind of education-Paris, night clubs, concerts, art auctions…all the things Jenny has dreamed of. Despite the inarticulate counseling of her teacher and headmistress, played by Olivia Williams and Emma Thompson, Jenny (Carey Mulligan) makes a serious mistake

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