Cabrini Take a Date

Chick Rating

Flock Rating


(2024) - 142 min - PG-13

The uplifting story of Francesca Cabrini, a nun, and six sisters who leave Italy in 1889 to save the homeless Italian-American orphans of New York City, overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles from the male-dominated society. 

Cristiana Deli'Anna, John Lithgow, David Morse
Biography, Drama

Chick Rating

Star Rating

Fashion Rating

Romance Rating

Comedy Rating

Tear Rating

Chief Chick Comments

What an inspiring story about Francesca Cabrini, a nun from a small town in northern Italy, who went on to convince Pope Leo XIII, Archbishop Corrigan, and Mayor Gould of New York of the importance of feeding, housing, and educating the homeless Italian-American orphans of New York. The slums of Five Points in Manhattan are depressingly realistic, Mother Cabrini's obstacles along the way seem insurmountable, but her successes are uplifting and heart warming. It’s a very engaging movie with excellent acting by Cristiana Dell’Anna, John Lithgow, and David Morse. My favorite quote: Mayor Gould : It's a shame that you're a woman, Mother. You would have made an excellent man. Cabrini : Oh no, Mr. Mayor, men could never do what we do. Highly recommended!

Flock Comments

Carole S April 30, 2024

I expected this film would be somewhat of a tearjerker or to focus on Mother Cabrini's religious life, but neither of these were the case. It was however a powerful tribute to the strength of purpose and compassion. Very timely given the current status of immigration in the world. Highly recommend!

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